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Calvin High School

 Alumni Reunion


Please join us for a fun filled weekend renewing old friendships, sharing stories, laughing and creating new memories. This year’s Alumni Banquet will be held on April 11, 2020 at the Tommy Orr Gymnasium. Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm. Reservations are available in advance for $18.00 per person and need to be received by April 1. Tickets will be $22.00 per person at the door. For updates on activities we encourage you to follow us on Facebook at Calvin Alumni and Classmates.

Meet and Greet- This year we are doing something a little different while helping the 2020 Senior Class as well. This year, the morning of the banquet, the Sr Class will host a Pancake Breakfast in the Calvin School Cafeteria. This will be a donation based meal, and all alumni are welcome to come, have breakfast, and enjoy each other’s company. Doors will open at 8am and will run until 10:30am.

Silent Auction- There will be a silent auction featuring all kinds of goodies during the banquet. Bring your money and bid high. All money raised will go to replenish the Alumni fund. Anything you would like to donate will help and be greatly appreciated.

Donations- When you send in your reservation please consider making a donation to the Alumni Association. Your donation helps with food, decorations, invitations, etc.

CAFÉ Scholarship- The Calvin Alumni Foundation for Education has been instrumental in helping provide scholarships for Calvin Seniors the past several years. Would you please consider making a tax-deductible donation to this effort? Make check payable to CAFÉ or designate amount you want to go to CAFÉ on your check.

Remembrance Table – We want to remember those classmates who left us too soon. Please bring a framed photo of your loved one or friend to display for the night so they can be with us here in memory and spirit.




RSVP: Return this portion of the letter to Norma Harden, PO Box 243, Calvin, Oklahoma 74531 with check made payable to Calvin Alumni. For more information contact Sheila Harden Crawshaw 580-221-8741 or Kassie Russell-Ingle 580-235-9443.

Name_____________________________________________________Graduation Year_____________

Number of Tickets__________________________X (18.00) $__________________________________

Donation to Calvin Alumni $__________________Donation to CAFÉ $________________________



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Temperature: 55.09ËšF

Feels Like: 52.61ËšF

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