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Daily Schedule

Pre-K Daily Schedule 2016-2017

7:30-7:50  Arrive, wash hands, smartboard activity

7:55-8:20 Breakfast

8:25-8:40  Large Group #1-calendar, flag salute, days of the week ect.

8:45-9:45 Centers-free choice, teeth brushing and bathroom breaks, clean up

9:45-10:05  Small groups- 2 teacher directed, 2 child directed

10:10-10:55  Morning Outdoor Activity

10:55-11:10  Large Group #2- theme and letter of the week

11:10-11:20  Wash up for lunch and walk over

11:25-11:50 Lunch

11:55-12:30 Afternoon Outdoor Activity

12:30-12:45   Teeth and get ready for rest time

12:45-2:00 Rest time

2:00-2:30 Wake up, put away mats, have our snack, clean up our mess

2:30-2:45 Large Group #3 and Review of our day

2:45-2:55 Get our bags ready and walk over to buses   

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Current Condition: clear sky

Temperature: 63.36ËšF

Feels Like: 61.41ËšF

Wind Speeds: 6.53mph

Weather humidity: 43%

Chance of Precipitation: %